The key points we at PMPWDS find very important is professionalism,reality and humane.


Professionalism in the K9 industrie means that the Handler and K9 should understand their job completely, been trained in it and work professional


Reality means that the training and standard needs to be comparable with what the team does in their line of work.


Humane the k9 Unit needs to act humane during their work but also the k9 needs to be trained humane (no pain or stress )





To reach these keypoints the K9 needs to be trained to a standard and preferably by a K9 trainer that trains in such manner that the K9 can perform to its best capabilities.

This can only be if there is no conflict in the K9 caused by forcing the dog in a behaviour that works against the natural instinct.

Also progression plans are a must these days as only then we can monitor and if need be evaluate the behaviour the K9 shows during training.

with that knowledge the trainer can move forward or go back in training without getting unwanted behaviours during deployments of the K9

For this we developed a standard for professional K9 trainers

By using standardized trainers the training of the K9's can become standardized so the dog will react in a specific window of behaviours that are trained so wanted.

Unwanted behaviours can be kept to a minimum and can be corrected using the progression plan notes.



The handler needs to completely understand that a k9 cannot take the responsibility in the teams actions as the dog only reacts on the impulses of instinct and the learned behaviours trained in by the trainer.

The Handler needs to understand how the K9 is trained by the trainer and why.

Then  training to the reality of the task and certify to standards that meet the reality can be done.

This will create a non conflict relasionship between handler and K9 and this will give the handler the knowledge and confidence to perfome the task in a professional manner.




Standard Development